Winter Listings: 5 Tips to Make Your Home Hot

You don’t need to see the statistics to wonder if selling your home during Winter is ideal. With everyone’s gears switching more towards making a place our friends and family can call home and opening our doors to share Thanksgiving meals and Christmas morning with loved ones, packing up and moving into a new home…

How Preemie Moms Are Chosen

[Bo’s birth story Part 2 of 2. To get caught up with this story, you should start here.] I had a plan. It was a beautiful plan, and I know this because during my hypno-birthing class, the instructor asked me to close my eyes and envision the day of my sons birth. I saw myself…

Dry Skin: Remedy One | Collagen + Cold Brew

The collagen train has long left the station and is #trending all over the place. I personally have been a fan for the last year as I see my 30s quickly approaching and now realizing I’ve raised my eyebrows too often in my 20s. When taken daily, the benefits of collagen can include: Glowing skin**…

Why I #SwitchedtoSafer

Have you seen that video of the different types of moms? There’s the PTA mom, the crunchy mom, the hipster mom, the hot-mess mom (my personal favorite) and the article mom. I am 200% the article mom. I love learning and research and know that in another life, I had to have been a detective….

Then the Chaos Began

I can remember the self-talk that I showered my thoughts with when I hit 30 weeks carrying Brode. Only 10 more weeks. As soon as he comes, everything will slow down. Only 9 more weeks. Just put your head down and push through. Only 8 more weeks. Only 7 more weeks. I’ll get a break…

What if I Die?

I climbed our stairs around midnight, carefully and quietly. I knew Ben had already been asleep for a while and I didn’t want to wake him up. I had just fed Brode and needed to get him all swaddled up before laying him down to sleep. As I placed my sweet son on the bed,…

My First Big Lesson About Marriage

I love going back in time, whether it’s through my old journals or blog posts and being reminded of the things that I was learning and grasping. Isn’t it disheartening how easily forgotten some of the big truths discovered throughout our lives are? I was reminded today, in the midsts of diaper changes, meltdowns, playdates…

I’m Not Going Home, Am I?

{Bo’s Birth Story: Part 1 of 2} I was 30 weeks pregnant and had just sent an unfiltered email, starting a raw conversation with a friend. I was exhausted mentally and emotionally and I was so swollen that it hurt to move my feet. Ben got home and went to our last home birth appointment,…

Brode’s Newborn Photos

Brode James Paul was born August 25, 2016. 20″ long and 6lbs 13oz. We spent 4 days in the hospital and were able to come home and start figuring out life as a family of 4. Kendra came over to our home and was able to capture all the newness of our new family. A…

Lumberjack Bo!

We celebrated Bo turning ONE this past weekend. I can’t believe Bo is already one. My mom was able to come in to celebrate with us and that made it even more special. We had it catered and the chefs cooking flapjacks and omlettes even dressed in buffalo plaid! I made a bear cake and…

Bo’s Due Date Photos

There were a few things I missed out on due to Bo’s early arrival. I didn’t have a baby shower, I wasn’t able to take maternity photos and we didn’t get to take newborn photos of Bo. Kendra and I went back and forth on taking photos with Bo’s oxygen or waiting until he didn’t…


The NICU is a place that I’m both grateful for and also hope to never visit again. While Bo spent his first 22 days of his life in the NICU I spent a lot of time becoming an introvert in NICU Room C30. I read an article from a NICU mom who said that she…